Wednesday, November 5, 2008

NaNoWriMo post-haste Election Marathon

I have fallen behind in my word count, I will admit that seeing the election in Times Square (surrounded by tourists speaking French, German, Italian, Spanish, and English with other colonial accents) and celebrating took up time and masses of sleep recovery. I will wend my way to a Starbucks, plug joe into me and juice into the laptop, and write for word count sake, quantity over quality. Full speed. Latte. Tap tap tap. Sip sip sip.

I really will have a (bad) first draft by December. 175 pages of raw material. To junk or save but nonetheless to be able to say I did it. This works. Next year all of you should do it with me. Really.

1 comment:

Deborah Atherton said...

I will be following your word count with excitement, Claudia - it's amazing to know you're going to finish a novel in a month. Me, I'm hoping to get mine done this spring - with luck and inspiration. And then comes more rewriting!

Maybe if it's actually done next year I can think about November.